Nawabshah Resident Arrested for Posting Fake Update on Facebook

The cyber crime wing of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) in Karachi has arrested a suspect who allegedly misused social media to propagate a negative agenda.

Abdul Karim Dahri, the suspect, was arrested from Nawabshah yesterday and a case has been filed against him by the FIA.

According to an investigating officer, “The accused recently posted a fake post on Facebook regarding donkey meat being used in Sindhi pulao in Nawabshah.” Abdul Karim is a teacher by profession but also works as a self-proclaimed journalist. He has reportedly using his journalistic influence to blackmail people and get money from them.

The complainant, owner of the Sindhi pulao restaurant, contacted the FIA in Karachi and asked for help. He said that Abdul Karim blackmailed him to pay money as ransom or the accused would defame his restaurant on social media which, eventually, he did by claiming that the restaurant was selling donkey meat.

Abdul Karim has reportedly used abusive language against the Sindhi Pulao restaurant as well and wanted to rally the locals into boycotting or damaging the business. FIA officers used their technical expertise to trace the alleged culprit and detain him.

Lesson for Us

It’s simple, don’t believe everything you see on social media or communication apps. While these mediums are good for information sharing, many fraudsters use them to promote their own personal agenda. Just because someone has shared a photo with a couple of lines in Urdu doesn’t mean it’s the truth.

Do verify such things before taking action. You could end up damaging or hurting innocents by following these nasty people who are looking to profit from this by using the common man as their weapon. When someone claims anything against anyone, he has to have video proof or it didn’t happen. Criminals use Islam and unethical claims against innocents.

Don’t become a part of their crime circle by believing these individuals, who have no authoritative proof. In this case, a teacher did not have the means to identify donkey meat, yet people believed his word without any verification.

Published by
Aadil Shadman