
Easypay’s Request2Pay: Accept Online Payments Without Your Own Website

Easypay has introduced a unique payment service; the Request2Pay Portal that will allow online merchants and sellers or even the freelancers to accept payments without maintaining a dedicated website .

This essentially means that you can accept payments — via credit, debit card or easypaisa retailers — through an Easypaisa hosted webpage, instead of having your own website.

So if you operate your online business on Facebook, via WhatsApp, email or any other social platform and are looking for a reliable way to collect online payments from your customers without any direct integration with the Easypay systems themselves, then the Request2Pay portal is exactly what you need.

No website required, no integration hassles, no issues!

The Request2Pay Portal allows registered merchants/sellers to login, and create online orders for their customers. The Portal then sends a secure SMS and e-mail payment link to the customer.

When the customer clicks on the SMS or E-mail link, they are routed to a secure Easypay Payment Page, where they see the payment amount and they can choose any of the three payment options within Easypay to pay for their order.

The Request2Pay Portal allows registered merchants/sellers to create a single payment order or to place multiple orders in bulk for multiple customers as well.

For bulk orders, the merchants need to upload a payment file in a specified format and the Portal will send out secure SMS and e-mail payment links to all the customers.

Once the customers complete their payment, the registered merchant/seller can always come back to the Request2Pay Portal to view their order history and lookup the status of a particular order to see if it has been paid or still pending.

What Online Businesses are saying about this new feature?

To learn more about Request2Pay portal, please visit EasyPaisa’s website.

Published by
Aamir Attaa