
200,000: Record for Most Flights Tracked in a Single Day Broken

Flightradar24 just made history as it tracked more than 200,000 flights in a single day.

The website – that tracks airplanes and flight routes throughout the world in real-time, and is able to map out most passenger planes that have a transponder – broke the 200,000 mark for the first time and recorded 202,157 flights on 29th of June.

With 202,157 flights tracked, yesterday was the busiest day of the year in the skies so far and our busiest day ever. This was the first time we tracked more than 200,000 flights in a single day. At the peak of the day, over 19,000 flights were in the air at the same time.

Flight Radar’s data is based on UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone, which is about 5 hours behind Pakistan.

More Statistics

The website also has statistics for flight trends and recorded its quietest day since the past 12 months on 25th December, last year, when 101,511 planes were seen in the air. As seen above, air activity seems to be much higher in European regions than Russia, China, and other Asian regions.


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On average, around 16,000 flights occur concurrently in the months of July and August, though the numbers are much lower near Christmas.

These statistics show how fast-moving the aviation industry is, as around 4 billion passengers travel via air each year, according to International Air Transport Association. This number is expected to double in the coming two decades.

Anyway, you can check out a real-time flight map by visiting Flight Radar’s website.

Published by
Sarmad Sameer