Tech and Telecom

Here’s Samsung’s Response to the Galaxy Fold Screen Issues

Samsung’s new Galaxy Fold is set to come out later this month, the game changer smartphone for the company which is going to be their first foldable smartphone. The company boldly handed out review units to several prominent gadget reviewers, and things looked good at the start. Many were impressed but soon the bad press started coming.

Most of the negative reviews appear to be pointing at the phone’s faulty screen. Some report that the screen is irresponsive, flickers on and off, and others even go as far as saying that the smartphone completely stopped working within 2 days of use.

Overall, the company appeared to be in deep waters with all the negative reviews flooding in on their shiny new phone, and so, the company came out with a statement replying to all of the complaints.

Trying its best to fend for itself, the company goes on to blame the users for not knowing any better about the phone’s screen. Basically blaming the users for the mishap.

Here’s what they said,

A limited number of early Galaxy Fold samples were provided to media for review. We have received a few reports regarding the main display on the samples provided. We will thoroughly inspect these units in person to determine the cause of the matter. Separately, a few reviewers reported having removed the top layer of the display causing damage to the screen. The main display on the Galaxy Fold features a top protective layer, which is part of the display structure designed to protect the screen from unintended scratches. Removing the protective layer or adding adhesives to the main display may cause damage. We will ensure this information is clearly delivered to our customers.

As Samsung says, the said film is not supposed to be a protective film you get with your new smartphones inside boxes. It is a part of the display structure designed to protect the screen from unintended scratches and should not be removed.

Still, the display seems a bit too weak to not be able to withstand wear and tear for even two days (in some cases). Only time will tell if this is another Note 7 debacle in disguise for Samsung.

Published by
Aasil Ahmed