
Punjab Excise Dept. Can Now Print 20,000 Smart Cards Per Day

Punjab Chief Minister Special Monitoring Unit (SMU) brought it to everyone’s attention via a tweet on Monday, that the Punjab Excise, Taxation, and Narcotics Control Department has bought new printing machines with the capacity to print 20,000 smart cards in a single day.

If these claims are to be believed, the new machines can speed up the processes by a huge degree, making the lives of applicants significantly easier by offering them quick service. To that effect, the SMU stated the following in the tweet, “The department is now using these machines to clear the backlog of smart registration cards.”

It is perhaps a crucial need of the hour, as various media reports suggest that the Excise and Taxation Department is trying to clear a backlog of 1.7 million computerized number plates and 530,000 smart cards. If the numbers being suggested by the SMU are true, this backlog should clear up rather quickly, given if all of the new machines are operated at full capacity each day.

The SMU, which is an independent monitoring division of the Punjab Chief Minister’s Office, is proposing viable steps and providing assistance to the government of Punjab in order to improve their operations and ensure maximum efficiency of time and resources, and the current measure taken at the Punjab Excise, Taxation and Narcotics Control Department is a prime example.

Published by
Waleed Shah