
Pakistan’s Second Omicron Patient Flees Quarantine

A man infected with the highly-mutated Omicron variant of the coronavirus escaped from a quarantine facility in Karachi on Friday.

The 35-year-old had reportedly arrived in Pakistan from the United Kingdom (UK), which is not included in the Category C countries despite a local surge in Omicron infections.

He had tested positive for COVID-19 after arriving in Pakistan and spent time in the quarantine facility. His samples were sent for further evaluation for suspicions of Omicron based on the UK’s current coronavirus situation. The samples confirmed the presence of the variant, making the man Pakistan’s second patient of the highly-mutated strain that was identified for the first time in South Africa last month.

However, he fled the isolation center before the authorities could follow up with him for Omicron protocols, and in doing so, putting the lives of those around him at huge risk.

Thankfully, the mobile teams of the Sindh Health Department (SHD) acted quickly and traced the fugitive. They readmitted him to the quarantine center and asked the Karachi Police to ensure foolproof security of the facility.

SHD teams are now tracking and tracing all the people the patient came into contact with to prevent them from contracting and transmitting the Omicron variant.

The National Institute of Health (NIH) in Islamabad had confirmed Pakistan’s first case of Omicron variant through genomic sequencing earlier this week.

Published by
Haroon Hayder