Tech and Telecom

Updated Google Search is Changing the Way Results are Shown for Products

Google announced a new update to its search engine rankings on Wednesday that will help decide which product reviews appear in users’ search results. For some time now, Google has been working on ways to sort out good product reviews from bad ones before presenting them to the users.

Earlier, an update promoted reviews that gave evidence that the reviewer actually had first-hand experience with the product in question and also referred links to multiple sellers to provide buyers with more options.

The idea behind these and some other recent updates relating to product reviews is to ensure that the reviews the users are seeing are high quality and actually include helpful information about a product the user might be considering to buy.

A good review focuses equally on both the pros and cons of the product and compares the current product to previous versions as well as against other competing alternatives. You can read the guidelines from Google that describe what makes a good review. It all boils down to doing the research, backing up claims with test results and explaining what makes a particular product better than the competition.

According to Google, the latest update will roll out over the next couple of weeks and may impact the rankings of English-language product reviews across many websites. In the future, the company also plans to open up product review support for more languages.

Published by
Sarwat Rizvi