Tech and Telecom

Samsung is Cutting Sales For Galaxy A23 5G Due to Mysterious Issues

South Korean media reports that phone maker giant Samsung has drastically reduced its shipment target for the Galaxy A23 5G. Samsung had planned to sell around 12.6 million units of the 5G version and 17.1 million units of its 4G variant this year.

According to a report by The Elec, the Galaxy A23 5G’s revised shipment target is now less than 4 million units. This is a dramatic drop of 70% from the original target. It may have to do with a mysterious issue with this model. 

The same report also stated that “a certain feature” on the phone caused serious problems with the handset’s operation. Samsung had to conduct a month-long investigation to determine the cause.

Even though this is not directly stated, even in rumor form, but we can speculate that this issue and subsequent investigation may have something to do with why the A23 4G was first released in March while the A23 5G arrived on the streets only in September this year. 

The problem was eventually resolved, but Samsung now plans to produce fewer units of A23 5G due to “the headaches it caused”. The “under 4 million” target for 2022 will be updated to 5 million units in 2023. 

No More A7x Series?

In related news, rumor has it that Samsung Galaxy A73 will be the last of its kind as the lineup is about to be discontinued soon. But don’t worry, this only applies to the A7x phones and Galaxy A5x and A2x will remain intact. In fact, reports claim that Samsung will start focusing more on A5 series phones once the A7 family is out of the way.

Does this mean we can expect to see changes or improvements in the A5/A2 lineup? Only time will tell, so stay tuned.

Published by
Aasil Ahmed