Tech and Telecom

WhatsApp’s New Feature Will Change How We Use Group Chats

WhatsApp is introducing a new feature allowing users to pin important messages in their chats and groups. This new update will be rolled out via the Google Play Store’s beta program and will bring the app’s version to

According to details, the new pinned messages feature will make it easier for users to keep track of significant messages in their conversations.

The feature is currently under development and beta testers will be able to access it soon. If a message is pinned but the receiver is still using an older version of WhatsApp, the app will ask them to update to the latest version, as shown in the image below:

This new feature will enhance the group chat organization, where it becomes hard to keep up with conversations. Pinned messages will be easily accessible to all group members, ensuring that they’re updated with the developments.

The release date of this feature is yet to be announced, but users can expect it in a future update.

Published by
Salman Ahmed