
Rising Paper Prices Delay New School Year in Punjab

The start of the upcoming school year in Punjab would be stalled owing to a delay in printing textbooks. According to reports, the reason for the delay is due to a lack of funding for the Printing Press, which has halted the delivery of books to schools.

As a result, the Punjab Examination Commission is yet to release the student timetable. In response to the issue, officials are considering holding the yearly examinations in May and beginning the new academic year in August.

In view of these developments, the Punjab Teachers’ Association has urged the interim government to step in and guarantee that the school year starts on schedule.

In related news, during a program at a private college in Dhamiyal Campus, Malik Abrar Hussain, the Central President of the All Pakistan Private Schools and Colleges Association (APPSCA), sought government support for the private education sector in its efforts to encourage educational development in Pakistan.

Published by
Asma Sajid