
UAE Releases Crucial Reminder for Employers

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MoHRE) in UAE has released important reminders for employers regarding contracts. It has listed five key commitments that employees must comply with.

The first commitment stated that employers should only use the approved contract form that matches the job offer. Using a different contract form may lead to confusion and misunderstandings later on.

The second commitment highlights additional benefits that can be added to the contract, even if they were not outlined in the job offer. Employers can offer extra benefits to their employees, as long as they do not violate Labor Law.

The third emphasizes that additional provisions can be added to the contract if they do not breach the Labor Law. The fourth one requires employers to save a copy of the employee’s contract and job offer for no less than two years from the end of the contract. This is to ensure a proper record of the terms and conditions of the employment relationship for future reference.

The fifth requires employers to inform their employees of their rights and duties as stated in the contract.

Annual Leaves in UAE

MoHRE recently announced that employees have the option to either carry forward their remaining annual leaves or receive payment for them in accordance with the law.

This is allowed under the Regulation of Labor Relations Law, which outlines two possible scenarios for adherence depending on whether the employee stays in their role or if their service comes to an end.

Published by
Salman Ahmed