
Teachers’ Hunger Strike in Balochistan Enters Eighth Day

On the eighth day of their hunger strike, schoolteachers from Balochistan persisted with their protest outside the provincial assembly, seeking to draw attention to their demands. The group of eleven teachers initiated the hunger strike to compel the government to address their 22-point demands, which notably included promotion.

Muhammad Siddique Mashwani, a prominent figure within the Government Teachers Association Balochistan (GTAB), emphasized the need for justice and equal rights, similar to teachers in other provinces. Mashwani expressed frustration over the government’s failure to address their pleas for promotion despite repeated requests.

The promotion, according to Mashwani, will benefit approximately 30,000 junior teachers in Balochistan. A large gathering of teachers and representatives from various associations assembled outside the assembly building to lend their support to the ongoing protest, leading to significant traffic disruptions.

Habibur Rehman Mardanzai, President of GTAB, emphasized that their primary demand revolved around the upgradation of 30,000 teachers. Mardanzai issued a stern warning, stating that if the government continued to overlook their grievances, the protest would be intensified.

Provincial ministers and assembly members visited the protest camp, assuring the teachers that their problems would be addressed. Arif Jan Muhammad Hassani, a lawmaker from the ruling Balochistan Awami Party (BAP), openly endorsed the teachers’ demands and urged the government to give serious consideration to the ongoing strike.

The health of two teachers participating in the hunger strike began to deteriorate, necessitating immediate medical treatment within the camp. To handle potential emergencies, an ambulance was stationed nearby.

GTAB has lodged a complaint, highlighting the disparities between the promotion of junior teachers in other parts of the country and the denial of their rights in Balochistan.

Published by
Asma Sajid