
Sindh Increases Fine Amount on Open Letter Vehicles by 10 Times

Sindh Traffic Police has decided to hike traffic challan rates on open-letter vehicles.

Cars and motorcycles being driven on open letters in Karachi will be subjected to a challan of up to Rs. 5,000. The previous challan rate for this infraction was only Rs. 500.

Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Traffic Ahmed Nawaz warned the citizens to register their cars and bikes in their own name or pay a challan of up to Rs. 5000. He stressed that there were many problems in investigations after any incident involving an unregistered car or a bike.

Nawaz advised the citizens to be vigilant and carry their registration documents at all times while driving. Those, who are driving cars and bikes on open letters, should opt for registration to avoid heavy fines.

It should be noted that many crimes involve open-letter vehicles. Such vehicles are hard to trace, leading the perpetrators to conveniently get away with various crimes.

The department requested the citizens to cooperate with the authorities and register their vehicles to avoid any inconvenience.

Published by
ProPK Staff