
Trailblazer Naila Kiani Wants to Summit All 8000-Meter Peaks in the World

Pakistani mountaineer Naila Kiani has shared her aspiration to summit the highest peaks in the world, as she talked about her emotional and technical struggles in climbing mountains.

Naila Kiani, Pakistan’s trailblazing female mountaineer, has conquered a remarkable feat by scaling five of the world’s highest peaks above 8,000 meters. With her sights set higher, she is now determined to conquer all 14 such summits globally.

Naila’s journey began just two years ago, driven by curiosity and the desire to experience the thrill of mountain climbing when she saw some climbers at the K2 base camp. Her impressive climbs include Gasherbrum II, K2, Gasherbrum I, Annapurna, Everest, Lhotse, Nanga Parbat, and Broad Peak.

Naila revealed that her accomplishments were not without challenges. As a mother of two young daughters, leaving them behind during expeditions has been emotionally tough for her. Yet, her daughters’ energy became her strength as she navigated treacherous paths.

In her interview, Naila shed light on the lack of support for mountaineers in Pakistan and stressed the necessity of improving infrastructure and rescue services.

Above all, Naila’s incredible journey serves as a shining example for her children and aspiring female mountaineers worldwide. She encouraged them to chase ambitious goals and never halt, highlighting that no obstacle is insurmountable in this world.

Published by
Ayna Dua