
YouTuber Daud Kim Finally Builds Mosque in Korea

Popular YouTuber and devout Muslim Daud Kim, formerly known as Jay Kim, has realized his long-standing dream of building a mosque in Incheon, South Korea. In a heartfelt video, Kim announced the opening of the mosque on Yongjong Island, showcasing the various stages of its construction and introducing the colleagues who assisted him in this endeavor.

In his Instagram post, Kim expressed his gratitude and joy, writing,

Alhamdulillah I finally did it 🕌❤️ With your help, I made a home of Allah (SWT). I also know that many people are concerned. But I will never give up on my dream of building a mosque. Thank you.

Addressing his followers directly, the singer and YouTuber encouraged those who wish to support his mission to volunteer, emphasizing the community-driven nature of the project. In his Instagram story, Kim shared moments from the mosque’s inauguration, where he, along with other worshippers, offered prayers.

The journey to build the mosque was fraught with challenges. Kim purchased the land for $136,500, primarily funded through donations. However, his plans met with significant opposition from local residents in Incheon, who were concerned about the construction of a religious facility on Yeongjong Island. This backlash resulted in the landowner terminating the contract, claiming ignorance of Kim’s intention to build a mosque.

Despite these obstacles, Daud Kim remained resolute. He navigated the controversy and local resistance, ultimately succeeding in constructing the mosque. His perseverance in the face of adversity has been lauded by his followers and supporters, who have witnessed his commitment to creating a place of worship.

Published by
Sher Alam