
Low Trade With Kuwait Unfortunate: Privatization Minister

Federal Minister of Investment Board, Privatization and Communications Abdul Aleem Khan has said that the low volume of trade between Kuwait and Pakistan is unfortunate and it is necessary to promote bilateral investment.

He added that all relevant departments should be on board because there is a huge scope for increasing trade in various sectors between the two countries of Pakistan and Kuwait.

Federal Minister Abdul Aleem Khan while presiding over the meeting of the 5th Pak-Kuwait Joint Ministerial Commission said that it is going to be held in Kuwait after 6 years by Pakistan, in which the establishment of Special Economic Zones in Pakistan will be widely discussed. The Federal Minister said that there will be practical developments on investment and trade issues for which all Ministries should attend these meetings in Kuwait with full preparation at the end of this month.

Federal Minister Abdul Aleem Khan said that Kuwait can bring investment to Pakistan in important trade sectors such as Food Security, Live Stock, Telecom, Information Technology, Agriculture, Tourism, and Petroleum. He said that we want practical results for the increase in trade, so all the departments should go ahead with proper homework as this important visit to Kuwait should not be limited to signing MOUs and feasibility reports but practical results would be fetched out of it.

Federal Minister Abdul Aleem Khan further said that Kuwait should increase the number of manpower from Pakistan, especially doctors and nurses, while the business community and visitors should make it easier to obtain visas and travel to Kuwait. Federal Minister Abdul Aleem Khan also directed the concerned department to take the private sector on board on Pak-Kuwait trade so that they can play their role as well.

In this high-level meeting, senior officers of Trade and Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs division, and all other relevant departments gave a briefing regarding the visit to Kuwait headed by Federal Minister for Investment Board Abdul Aleem Khan. The Ambassador of Pakistan in Kuwait gave a video link briefing and highlighted the important features of this visit. He said that this visit in Kuwait will be of great importance after which a high-level delegation of investors from there can visit Pakistan as well.

The Ambassador said that this Ministerial Commission can open a new door of Trade Affairs which will ultimately have positive effects on Pakistan economy.

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ProPK Staff