
Commissioner Karachi Denies Claims of Hundreds of Deaths Due to Heatwave

Commissioner Karachi Syed Hasan Naqvi has denied claims of large-scale deaths in the city due to the recent heatwave, stating that 10 people died in the Karachi division over the past two days.

At a media briefing, he clarified that data from hospitals, graveyard burials recorded by the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC), and mortuaries confirmed these figures.

He added that reports of widespread deaths are inaccurate and unverified. Naqvi added that around 1,700 heat stroke patients were treated in Karachi hospitals. According to him, only about five percent of deaths mentioned by respondents were due to heat stroke, as mortuaries do not typically record the cause of death.

Meanwhile, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) expressed concern over reports from the Edhi Foundation, which estimated 568 deaths in Karachi due to heatwave-related illnesses in the last five days. The HRCP stressed the need for urgent action from all levels of government to address the climate crisis.

They recommended setting up emergency roadside camps, and cooling centers, and providing public access to potable water.

The HRCP also urged the Sindh government to compensate the families of the deceased and invest in affordable, low-carbon cooling technologies and green infrastructure to mitigate future heat waves.

Moreover, the Edhi Foundation has reported a significant rise in mortuary admissions, with 568 bodies received in the past five days, compared to the usual 30-40 daily. Similarly, the Chhipa Welfare organization reported receiving 100 bodies in three days, mostly of drug addicts and homeless people.

Published by
Arsalan Khattak