
Ruet-e-Hilal Committee to Meet on July 6 to See Muharram Moon

The Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee will meet on July 6 (Saturday) in Quetta to see the moon of Muharram, according to a private news channel.

Chairman Maulana Abdul Khabir Azad will lead the meeting. Furthermore, the zonal committees of Ruet-e-Hilal will hold their meetings at designated locations to participate in the moon-sighting process.

It is pertinent to mention that Ashura, which falls on Muharram 9 and 10, is expected to occur this year on Jul 16 and July 17, as per experts’ predictions. The two days have already been included as Ashura holidays in the federal government’s list of public holidays for the current year.

Earlier, the Punjab Home Department issued security guidelines for Muharram processions and congregations.

According to the guidelines, designated entrance and exit routes should be established, and the installation of walk-through gates at all sensitive locations is mandatory.

Moreover, before the distribution of Niaz, langar, and Sabil (free meals and drinks), the Health Department must conduct inspections. Car parking should be situated at least 200 meters away from the gathering.

Published by
Arsalan Khattak