The Gawala Union has announced an increase in the prices of milk, yogurt, and butter by Rs20 per liter and kilogram, respectively, across the Rawalpindi district starting Friday. This adjustment has raised the per liter price of open milk to Rs220 and yogurt to Rs240 per kg.
Previously, milk was sold at Rs200 per liter, and yogurt was priced at Rs220 per kg in Rawalpindi. The price of butter has also seen a significant hike, rising from Rs1,000 per kg to Rs1,200 per kg. These changes stand in stark contrast to the official prices, which are set at Rs190 per liter for milk and Rs200 per kg for yogurt.
Gawala Union Secretary Khawar Chaudhary attributed the price hikes to the skyrocketing costs associated with buffalo fodder. “All components of buffalo fodder have seen price increases ranging from 500% to 700%. The cost of a buffalo has surged to Rs0.8 million, and fodder prices have jumped by 700%. Under these circumstances, it has become impossible to sell milk at the old prices,” he explained.
The Gawala Union’s move is likely to trigger further debate and concern among consumers, many of whom are already grappling with the impact of inflation on their daily expenses. As the cost of essential commodities like milk and yogurt rises, households must adjust their budgets to accommodate these new prices.
Local authorities have yet to respond to the price hikes, but there is growing pressure on them to address the underlying issues contributing to the cost increases.