Cabinet Committee Reviews Financial Performance of SOEs 

Federal Minister for Finance Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb chaired the meeting of the Cabinet Committee on State-Owned Enterprises (CCoSOEs) at the Finance Division on Wednesday. 

The Committee reviewed a summary from the Ministry of Finance regarding the State-Owned Enterprises’ (SOEs) financial performance for the first six months of the Financial Year 2024. Discussions focused on financial performance, business plan analysis, risk analysis, corporate governance, and compliance. A presentation on these matters was delivered by the Finance Secretary. 

The Committee reviewed a summary from the Cabinet Division regarding the reconstitution of the Board of Directors of the Printing Corporation of Pakistan (PCP). The Board, previously composed solely of ex-officio members, was required to include a majority of independent directors in accordance with the SOEs Ownership and Management Policy 2023. After detailed discussions, the CCoSOEs approved the new composition of the board, which includes 5 independent directors, as recommended. 

A summary from the Ministry of National Food Security and Research was considered, concerning the appointment of independent directors for two vacant positions on the Board of the Livestock and Dairy Development Board (LDDB). The Committee approved the proposal. 

The Committee also reviewed the summary of the Ministry of Railways regarding the reconstitution of Boards of Directors (BoDs) of four Railway SOEs. The recommendations of the Board Nomination Committee (BNC) for the reconstitution of BoDs of Pakistan Railways Advisory and Consultancy Services (PRACS), Pakistan Railways Freight Transportation Company (PRFTC), Railways Estate Development and Marketing Company (REDAMCO), and Railways Construction Pakistan Limited (RAILCOP) were approved. These included recommendations on both ex-officio and independent directors. 

The Committee then reviewed a summary from the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development regarding the reconstitution of the Board of Governors of the Overseas Pakistanis’ Foundation (OPF). It was recommended to include two independent members on the Board, and the proposal was approved. 

A summary from the Ministry of National Food Security and Research was presented regarding the appointment of independent directors on the Board of Directors of the Fisheries Development Board (FDB). The Committee approved the nomination of 6 independent directors. 

The Ministry of National Food Security and Research also submitted a summary for the approval of the Board of Directors of the Pakistan Cotton Standards Institute (PCSI). The CCoSOEs approved the appointment of 9 independent directors as recommended. 

The Committee concluded the meeting by reviewing the implementation of previous decisions made by the CCoSOEs to ensure compliance. The presentation was given by Director General Central Monitoring Unit (CMU) of the Finance Division. 

The meeting was attended by the Minister for Planning, Minister for Commerce, Minister for Economic Affairs, Minister for Housing and Works, Minister for Science and Technology, Governor State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), Executive Director Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), Federal Secretaries and senior officers from the Finance Division. 

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