The bold and fierce model and actress Mamya Shajaffar recently shared a video of her birthday party, full of laughter and dances. It was a close intimate celebration with close friends and family.
The birthday girl is clad in a cute brown outfit with messy hair and danced her heart out with her friends.
Take a look!
She captioned,
Her cake finally caught the fire it needed
Came home for my birthday weekend, boy was it lovely to meet my friends – fam – my lover
Thank you for cute night @farooqgul
Mamya Shajaffar or Maham Shahid Jaffar is a Pakistani model, dancer, illustrator, and actor who is known for her bold and sassy personality. She has been seen in public wearing questionable clothing and is not afraid to flaunt her curves.
Mamya tempts her fans with her pictures and videos on a regular basis. Along with amazing modeling skills, she also has stunning dance moves and often set social media ablaze with her impressive dance.
She can be currently seen in the drama serial Meesni as Sahira opposite Bilal Qureshi and many others.
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