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Dr. Fazeela Abbasi

Dr. Abbasi has acquired her advanced training in dermatology, dermatopathology, laser & cutaneous surgery along with her vast thirteen years of experience wins her the title of an authority on lasers & advanced dermatology medical procedures in facial and body rejuvenation. She has served on the executive boards of several dermatologic societies and international committees. She has presented and published numerous papers in national and international journals.

Fashion & Media

Dr. Fazeela Abbasi Reveals the Secret Behind Her Beautiful Skin [Interview]

Q. First of all, how do you manage your own skin?

Beautiful skin hails from good genes and then you can polish it further by making healthy choices in day-to-day life and focus on a holistic approach of keeping your mind, soul and body at a higher level of well-being, and only then can you maintain what genes have bestowed you with.

I am a big believer and preacher of this philosophy and practice it every day.

Q. Share the best skin routine you recommend:

Skin is the largest organ of your body and like any other organ, it needs special attention. The more chemicals you shove in, the worse response it will give. Just keep it hydrated using skin & weather compatible moisturizers and exfoliate mechanically using non-chemical tools like Konjac sponges.

These are the basics. When you have covered the basics, and then move to the more advanced skincare by indulging in using retinoid and antioxidants.

Q. Do you believe that most of the actresses or even actors now are going for treatments like Botox, Skin lifting, Anti-acne or Anti-aging?  Don’t you think a few of them lose their identity and they transform into someone new?

I don’t support that trend. I think you can try to be the best possible version of yourself and not somebody else. Losing your identity and transforming to somebody new is now being seen not just in our society but it’s a raging global trend.

Q. Tell us how you would handle an emotionally distressed patient.

I believe in mind over matter concept. So, if there is negativity in a patient’s behaviour or towards his or her outcome of treatment done or have unrealistic expectations from the procedure or have physical or mental stress of any kind, I try to postpone their treatments till I am able to fix the mental negativity.

Q. How important is to accept your imperfections which are beyond treatment?

This is an era where science and medicine have made mind-boggling advancements. Try getting them fixed and if for some reason it does not seem to improve, then instead of feeling miserable, try to focus on positive things.

Q. Which actresses do you consider are naturally beautiful?

Well, everybody is beautiful in their own way. All I can let you know is that there are plenty of actresses who have nice skins. Unfortunately, I can’t give away any names

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