ProPropertyNews2 Arrested for Illegal Transfer of ETPB Property in Abbottabad

2 Arrested for Illegal Transfer of ETPB Property in Abbottabad

ABBOTTABAD: The Anti-Corruption department in Abbottabad has arrested a shopkeeper and a clerk for their involvement in the illegal transfer of property belonging to the Evacuee Trust Property Board (ETPB).

According to details, the 2 accused individuals, who are shopkeepers in Sarafa Bazar Abbottabad, allegedly transferred 2 shops owned by the ETPB with the help of the clerk who worked for the establishment department of the ETPB.

Deputy Director of the Anti-Corruption department, Maroof Khan, revealed that the arrest was made after a complaint was filed by Sardar Rashid, son of Sardar Yaqoob, who claimed that the ETPB property had been transferred illegally with the support of the department.

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The property documents were sent to the FSL laboratory in Peshawar for forensics, which revealed record tampering.

After registering a case of fraud and tampering, the Anti-Corruption department arrested the ETPB establishment clerk, Arshad Khan, son of Gohar Rehman, and the owner of the shop.

However, the third accused shopkeeper, Ezaz, is still at large, and the police have formed a team to arrest him.

The arrest of these individuals sends a clear message that the Anti-Corruption department is committed to ensuring the fair and legal transfer of property in the region, the spokesman claimed.

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