ProPropertyNewsBCDA to Construct 7 Resorts on Balochistan Coastal Belt to Boost Tourism

BCDA to Construct 7 Resorts on Balochistan Coastal Belt to Boost Tourism

QUETTA: The Balochistan Coastal Development Authority (BCDA) is set to build seven resorts on the coastal belt of Balochistan to boost tourism in the area.

As per the details, the decision was taken during a BCDA governing body meeting chaired by Chief Minister Mir Abdul Qudoos Bizenjo.

Moreover, the meeting discussed various issues related to fishermen and tourism and decided to use the long coastal belt of the province to develop the area.

Besides, the Fisheries Department Secretary, Kazim Hussain Jatoi, also briefed the meeting on the department’s and fishermen’s challenges.

ALSO READ  BCDA Starts Making Master Plan of Balochistan's Coastal Line

The meeting also decided to make 28 contract-based employees permanent, who had been recruited between 2012 and 2017.

Additionally, action will be taken against officers and employees who have been inducted into the authority against rules and regulations, the meeting noted.

The chief minister stressed the government’s commitment to providing jobs to the people of Balochistan and warned officials involved in the illegal recruitment of employees would face consequences.

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