ProPropertyNewsCDA Awaits Prime Minister’s Verdict on Serena Underpass

CDA Awaits Prime Minister’s Verdict on Serena Underpass

ISLAMABAD: The engineering division of the Capital Development Authority (CDA) is looking forward to Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s impending decision on the fate of the proposed Serena underpass, which is expected to be made on his final day in office, Wednesday.

Last week, the Prime Minister declined to inaugurate the project without a comprehensive presentation about the construction company that had secured the contract for it.

As Wednesday marks the concluding day of the government, the CDA engineering wing is keeping a watchful eye on any directives from the PM Office regarding the project’s future.

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Railway Constructions Pakistan Limited (Railcop), a subsidiary of Pakistan Railways, clinched the contract by submitting the lowest bid of Rs. 2.1 billion, in contrast to the bid of Rs. 3.5 billion proposed by another state-operated construction entity, National Logistics Cell (NLC).

Initially, the Prime Minister was scheduled to initiate the groundbreaking ceremony for the underpass in proximity to Serena Hotel, along with the expansion of a segment of Srinagar Highway from 7th Avenue Interchange to Serena Chowk.

However, he requested a presentation from the CDA regarding the construction firm that had secured the contract before deciding on the project’s outcome.

An engineer from the CDA stated, “We are awaiting a decision from the Prime Minister.

“All necessary preparations are in place; if approval is granted, we can commence the project within a few days, should the decision be for fresh bidding, we will initiate the process accordingly,” he added.

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Besides, Prime Minister Sharif questioned the executing construction firm during his previous meeting.

Upon learning that Railcop, a subsidiary of Pakistan Railways, was the winning bidder, he abstained from the groundbreaking event, stating that road construction wasn’t a responsibility of ministries.

He advised the CDA’s chief to cancel the contract and commence a new tendering process.

The PM expressed the need for a presentation on the company’s expertise, following which he would determine the project’s future.

Furthermore, the final segment of the highway from the junction to Murree Road will also undergo a comprehensive renovation. The design and construction phase are projected to span six months.

Insiders from the CDA affirmed that Railcop, akin to NLC and FWO, is a government-owned entity well-versed in road and bridge projects.

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Their optimism lies in the expectation that the Prime Minister will grant the green light for the project.

Should the project face rejection, the CDA would be compelled to annul the contract for the T-Chowk flyover, valued at Rs. 1.78 billion, awarded to Railcop.

It is also relevant to note that Railcop’s bid was successful against NLC, which submitted a bid exceeding Rs. 2 billion.

Source: DAWN

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