ProPropertyNewsCDA Chairman Announces Free Park & Ride Facility Along Metro Stations

CDA Chairman Announces Free Park & Ride Facility Along Metro Stations

ISLAMABAD: Chairman Capital Development Authority (CDA), Noor ul Amin Mengal, recently announced through a tweet that the Park & Ride facility, located along Metro Stations, is now free and open for public use to park their vehicles.

However, the chairman emphasized that parking inside the Metro building is strictly prohibited.

Despite the announcement, some bike users have reportedly attempted to park their vehicles inside the Metro access building, only to be stopped by security guards.

This has sparked confusion among the public, prompting authorities to reiterate the importance of complying with the parking regulations.

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The Park & Ride facility was established to provide convenient and secure parking spaces for commuters who wish to use the Metro service. The facility has designated areas where commuters can park their vehicles and then easily access the Metro station.

As the CDA continues to work towards improving public transportation and reducing traffic congestion in the city, it is important for the public to follow the rules and regulations set in place for their safety and convenience.

The public is encouraged to use the Park & Ride facility as intended and to cooperate with the security personnel to ensure a smooth and hassle-free commuting experience.

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