ProPropertyNewsFDA Seals 80 Illegal Housing Schemes in First Quarter of 2023

FDA Seals 80 Illegal Housing Schemes in First Quarter of 2023

FAISALABAD: The Faisalabad Development Authority (FDA) has taken action against illegal housing schemes by sealing 80 of them and demolishing their structures in the first quarter of 2023.

The FDA spokesperson stated that the authority has been proactive in ensuring compliance with rules and regulations by developers.

The FDA has registered 102 cases against housing scheme developers who violated regulations in the first four months of the year, with the challans sent to the court of law for further action.

ALSO READ  FDA Prohibits Housing Schemes in Restricted Areas, Enforces Land Use Regulations

The news report emphasized the importance of following FDA guidelines to protect citizens’ rights and interests, and the FDA has also created a helpline to promote information access for citizens.

Furthermore, the FDA is committed to taking strict action against any parties that violate its rules.

Source: Pakistan Observer


  1. Like so many friends have already pointed out, where we’re the concerned CDA staff when these properties were being built; these houses didn’t come up overnight!
    Now the Land grabbers have learnt their lesson, while we await to know what action CDA takes to purge its own ranks from the corrupt cohorts !!

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