Categories Nokia

Nokia Hands Over Symbian to Accenture

Whenever the name Nokia comes, analysts use this big time BUT in their arguments, mostly in the the favor of iOS or otherwise Android.

Nokia that remained uncrowned king in handset industry, be it the low-end market or the high-end gaming or business devices – they ruled in almost every continent of this mother earth.

But the time has changed and so are the dynamics of the handset industry. Nokia, which badly failed to cope with the trends and consumer demands, couldn’t convince the masses for the powers it had (or arguably it still has) in it’s Symbian or lately in MeeGo OS.

First they partnered with Microsoft, despite they were investing in their MeeGo powered N9 smartphone, and today Nokia (as per opinion of many) has signed the death certificate of Symbian by handing it over to Accenture.

According to this anticipated deal, Accenture will look after the matters of Symbian, ranging from development to the support.

According to a joint statement issued by both the companies, this agreement will last till 2016 after which even most die-hard fans will have to make a switch to other OSes – yes, Symbian is destined to be abandoned after 2015.

Merits mentioning here that with this Symbian-outsourcing deal, Nokia will handover some 2800 employees to Accenture too.

There are mixed reviews appearing over the deal, however, there are few analysts fearing that this handover of Symbian may get Nokia out of the race for low-end market too.

Published by
Aamir Attaa