Categories Internet

Etihad Airways, Who Gave You My Email to Send SPAM? UBL?

Sending SPAM emails in Pakistan is fast becoming a norm for corporations, and here I am talking about big multinational corporations. Thanks to cyber lawlessness in Pakistan anyone can collect thousands of email addresses and start sending them Emails to call it Email Marketing.

Etihad Airways (it’s Pakistani division specifically) is one of such company that is sending unsolicited and unwanted emails to thousands (could be millions) of internet users in Pakistan; and that too without any unsubscribe link. Screenshot of one of their email is given below.

One may call it pretty fair for a business to take part in every possible (even illegal / immoral) activity that may fetch it customers, but without an unsubscribe link these SPAM emails become utter annoyance and a bad repute for the company ultimately earning them bad name.

In case of Etihad Airways, I have got a strange feeling – I am not sure though. I believe that UBL gave them my email id (I am UBL newsletter subscriber), as they ran a collaborative promotion once, on August 12 to be exact.

Since then I have received almost eight emails in a month but after first there was no mention of UBL whatsoever.

Apparently, Etihad Airways partnered with UBL to run a promotional campaign in Ramadan, grabbed their email IDs and then started sending their own promotions without involving UBL after first email shoot.

I have confirmed this from other UBL customers (in my FnF) to make sure that my theory isn’t wrong. I am expecting to receive more confirmations in comments from other UBL users who are getting Etihad emails.

It merits mentioning here that these emails are being sent from Etihad Airways servers. So blaming only the Pakistani division won’t be enough as it seems that these emails are sent with the consent of headquarters.




Published by
Aamir Attaa