
Google’s Code Jam Offers A Prize Pool of $15,000

Ever felt like you had a talent for solving logic puzzles using code? Participated in any speed programming competitions recently? Feel like you are up for a bigger challenge? Well, here is your chance; Google Code Jam 2017.

What is Google Code Jam?

Code Jam is one of the world’s most challenging programming competitions in the world and is being held for the 14th time this year.

It is a global contest which consists of multiple rounds of algorithmic puzzles. Anyone can register for it online and participate in the Qualifying rounds. Once you pass those, you progress on to the next round. Each round consists of 3-4 problems and a time limit.

In 2016, Code Jam consisted of 7 rounds including the World Finals at the end. The World Final is the only one that is not conducted online, and this year, it will be held at Google’s office in Dublin, Ireland in August.

“25 of the best code jammers will compete with last year’s champion for the title of the “Code Jam World Champion” and a grand prize of $15,000.”

Moreover, the top 1,500 performers will be given a limited edition Code Jam T-shirt.

How can I register?

Anyone can register for Code Jam by going to their official site. You will need a Google account to sign up for it. The deadline to register is 7th of April, 23:00 UTC.

You will be able to load the contests dashboard two hours before the contest starts. However, the problems will be only visible once the contest has officially started.

How to prepare for it?

Google has uploaded every single problem given in Code Jam competitions since 2008 over here. You can try your hand at them and see if you are able to solve them by yourself in the given time limit.

You need to have a good background in some programming language like C, Java, C++, Python, etc. There is no restriction in what language can you use but do note that Google doesn’t recommend using Python due to its slowness when handling large datasets.

You can also participate in the contest if you have no knowledge in programming but know how to solve algorithms. In such a case, you can solve a problem by hand.

For more details, visit Code Jam’s page for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or go through their Quick Start Guide.

Google is more than just a search box. It is a technology behemoth. From search to self-driving cars, mapping the world to holding summer coding programs for students, from making phones to owning the world’s largest video and music streaming hub, the company is everywhere. Code Jam is just one of the many competitions it holds, attracting thousands of avid coders from around the world each year.

Published by
Rehan Ahmed