
This is How You Can Keep Yourself & Your Family Safe from Coronavirus

Coronavirus cases have now been confirmed in Pakistan and the public has already started to panic. The State Minister for Health, Zafar Mirza, has confirmed the reports, urging the public to be careful and act responsibly.

The novel coronavirus, known as COVID-19, which originated from a seafood market in Wuhan late last year, has resulted in over 82,000 cases worldwide, causing more than 2,800 deaths. The infected patients suffer a pneumonia-like condition with fever, cough, and difficulty in breathing. However, if you are suffering from these diseases, it isn’t mandatory that you have been infected with the coronavirus.


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However, out of 35,721 closed cases until now, 32,914 have recovered. It is pertinent to mention here that most (but not all) of the people who have died of coronavirus had a very weak immune system or were already suffering from different illnesses.

What Should I Do If I Have These Symptoms?

The first and foremost thing you should do is call 1166 and avoid any contact with your family. Note that the virus can be transferred from one human to another, therefore, you have to protect others around you.

If you have visited any country where coronavirus is prevalent or spreading such as China or Iran, it is your responsibility to inform the authorities. In addition, do the following:

  • Even if you experience mild symptoms such as runny nose and headache, stay at home. Avoiding contact with people will help protect others from possible coronavirus.
  • If you develop fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical advice promptly as this may be due to a respiratory infection or other serious condition. This will also help to prevent the possible spread of COVID-19 and other viruses.


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Basic Protective Measures

You don’t have to panic as you can take care of your health and protect others around you by doing the following:

  • Wash your hands – Regularly wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. This will kill the viruses that may be on your hands.
  • Use a sanitizer – Keep a hand sanitizer with you at all times. Whenever you are outside and dont have access to water and soap, or if you come into contact with anything or anyone with the symptoms, simply clean your hands.
  • Keep a safe distance – Keep a distance of at least 3 feet between yourself and the person coughing or sneezing as water droplets can contain viruses that can infect you.
  • Use a mask – Using a mask ins’t necessary but it can be helpful in case someone sneezes or coughs right at you. The virus isn’t airborne so there’s no direct threat of catching the virus from the air.
  • Don’t touch eyes, mouth, and nose – Hands can pick up viruses from different surfaces they touch and transfer these to your eyes, mouth and nose, making you sick.
  • Practice hygience when coughing or sneezing – Coronavirus spreads through droplets and if you follow good respiratory hygience i.e. covering your nose and mouth with tissue or bent elbow, you can protect others around you.
  • Seek medical care – If you feel unwell, call the local authorites in advance so that they can promptly direct you to the relevant medical facilities. Follow their guidelines to stop the virus from spreading.
  • Keep an eye on the news – Stay up-to-date with the latest developments and public service messages issued by your local healthcare providers and authorities.

WHO also recommends similar hygienic practices to avoid the spread of coronavirus. All in all, coronavirus can be prevented from spreading with basic protective measures.

Share the story with your friends and family to keep them safe from the deadly outbreak.

Published by
Sajawal Rehman