
Punjab to Launch a Universal Health Insurance Program

The Planning and Development Board (P&D) on Thursday discussed the Punjab government’s implementation of the Universal Health Insurance program.

The meeting presided over by P&D Board chairman, Abdullah Khan Sumbal, was told that the health insurance program costing Rs. 332 billion will provide indoor healthcare services to all citizens across the province to reduce out-of-pocket expenditure.

Before the meeting, the Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education (SHC&ME) Department, Finance Department, and P&D board held a series of consultation sessions to discuss the project.

The board of directors of Punjab Health Initiative Management Company (PHIMC) submitted the PC-I of the project. It suggested the 100 percent implementation of the project by the end of this year.

“We appreciate the active participation of all the stakeholders and observe that concentrated efforts have been put in to firm up recommendations so as to take this big initiative forward purposefully. Experts and consultants inducted have spent a lot of time to ensure diligence. A good and inclusive debate generated during the PDWP meeting has resulted in most of the questions being answered adequately,” Sumbal said.

The meeting was attended by all concerned provincial secretaries, members of the P&D Board, and representatives from relevant organizations.

Published by
Rizvi Syed