
Punjab Police Recommends Five-Year Imprisonment for Kite Flying

Punjab Police has recommended heavy penalties for people involved in kite flying, manufacturing, and selling in the province.

They sent a letter to the Chief Secretary Punjab, and Inspector-General Police (IGP) Punjab Rao Sardar Ali Khan today, proposing amendments to the Punjab Prohibition of Kite Flying Act 2001, requesting that strict legislation be enacted to curb such activities.

It read: “Such people cannot be discouraged with lesser punishments and this bloody game is increasing day by day,” and suggested that the dangerous activity can be eliminated under a new legal framework.

IGP Khan recommended that the jail term for manufacturing kites and kite strings with illegal materials should be increased from one year to five years, and the fine should also be upped from Rs. 500,000 to Rs. 2 million.

Punjab Police also demanded in the letter that the Federal Investigation Agency’s (FIA) Cyber Crime Wing should take action against the promotion of kite flying on social media and online buying and selling of kite flying equipment.

“Social pages promoting the digital sale of kites and kite flying should be completely blocked and the federal government should ban nylon threads manufacturing,” it read.

Published by
Rizvi Syed