
Islamabad Police Goes After Drug Addict Students at Educational Institutes

The federal capital police’s top brass is aware of the alarmingly rising trend in drug use and illegal and antisocial activities at the campuses of Islamabad’s educational institutions.

Islamabad Police has advised the administrative staff of the learning centers to be on the lookout for students’ activities and those who provide drugs to them at the educational institution.

Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan, Inspector General of Police (IGP) Islamabad, wrote letters to heads of all educational institutions informing them about illegal activities and emerging trends in the use of narcotics, without resistance from the administration.

IGP Islamabad requested that the heads of administrative departments of institutions keep in touch with police authorities regarding suspicious activity, including drug use on their premises.

The IGP concluded the letter by saying that the Islamabad Police will provide full assistance and support in this regard, as well as take legal action against all offenders with the additional support of the district administration, in order to eliminate the threat of violent extremism, drugs, and other activities, with the cooperation of educational institution administrations and reliable reporting about any illegal activity.

Published by
Asma Sajid