Two robbers allegedly snatched Rs. 59.4 million from a citizen in Karachi’s Bahadurabad area on Wednesday. The incident involved two criminals, driving a car, who stopped a man named Raheel on Shaheed-e-Millat Road. They fled the area after stealing the money.
The incident has been reported to the police station in Bahadurabad. According to the First Information Report (FIR), the complainant had around Rs. 60 million in containers in his car when the dacoits stopped him outside a superstore.
In other news, on Wednesday, the CIA police claimed to have caught three dacoits and recovered an assortment of illegal objects from them, including cash, two motorbikes, illegal firearms, and various other valuables.
As per reports, the Central Investigating Agency (CIA) had learned about the presence of these criminals through a tip and quickly conducted a raid, resulting in the arrest of three people named Munawwar Iqbal, Jameel, and Abid. They also found cash, two motorbikes, two weapons, cell phones, and other items in their possession.
The authorities had previously wanted these criminals for their involvement in a number of crimes, including dacoity, robbery, burglary, and other similar acts. The investigation is still ongoing, and more details will be released as soon as possible.
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Sounds like an inside job.
The criminals seem to have inside information on the contents of the container and the exact day of movement. Definitely there is involvement of either the servants or bank/currency exchange employess from which the huge sum was collected.