
FOUR PAWS Experts Conduct Initial Assessment of Noor Jehan at Karachi Zoo

Noor Jehan, the female elephant at Karachi Zoo, has undergone a successful examination by the FOUR PAWS International team on-site.

The team, with the support of the zoo caretakers, stabilized the elephant using ropes carried by a crane, before sedating her for the examination.

However, the sedation caused Noor Jehan to become too weak to stand on her own feet, so the team quickly administered antidotes to reverse the effects. The examination continued as the team calmed her down by talking to her and standing by her side while expert vets conducted the procedures.

The examination revealed that Noor Jehan had an inner hematoma with a damaged pelvic diaphragm, indicating that a trauma must have caused her painful condition and unusual body position.

The hematoma also compressed her urethra, causing difficulty in urination and affecting her kidney function. Additionally, the elephant had a lot of gas in her intestines due to long-term immobilization, and her hind leg ligaments had shortened, while the muscles had atrophied due to her posture.

To treat Noor Jehan, the team prescribed a lot of movement to activate and train her muscles again, and a special diet to reduce gas in her intestines. Laboratory and histology tests were also conducted, and the team applied medications, vitamins, painkillers, and hydrotherapy.

Tomorrow, the team will prepare recommendations on medical treatment and enclosure enrichment to help relieve Noor Jehan’s pain and aid her recovery.

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ProPK Staff