
Pakistan’s Female Football Referees Create History by Officiating at National Level

In a groundbreaking moment for women’s participation in sports, female referees, Kashmala and Abeera Abdul Aziz officiated their first match as assistant referees at the national level in Pakistan football.

The pair’s historic achievement marks a significant step towards gender equality in the realm of football officiating in the country.

Kashmala and Abeera’s trailblazing journey serves as an inspiration to countless young girls across the nation who aspire to pursue their dreams in sports, regardless of societal constraints. Their achievement is a testament to the increasing opportunities and recognition for women in sports.

Recently, the Pakistan Football Federation (PFF) launched Pakistan’s first-ever introductory referee training course, with the first course recently held in Quetta. A total of 23 referees, including male and female candidates, took part in the course.

As Kashmala and Abeera Abdul Aziz continue to make strides in their refereeing careers, their commitment to the sport and their determination to succeed will undoubtedly pave the way for more female officials in Pakistani football. Their historic milestone serves as a reminder that barriers can be shattered, and dreams can be achieved with perseverance and passion.

Published by
Saad Nasir