
UAE Astronaut Shares Extraordinary Footage of Biparjoy Cyclone

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) weather authorities have classified a storm in the Arabian Sea called “Biparjoy Cyclone, as a category 1 threat. The storm is currently located in the eastern part of the Arabian Sea.

The cyclone is accompanied by strong winds, ranging from 145 to 155 kilometers per hour, and is surrounded by cumulus clouds, which are rain clouds.

According to the weather experts, the cyclone is expected to last for about 24 hours. However, they assure that it will not directly affect the UAE. Instead, it is predicted to move towards the coasts of Pakistan and India, where it is likely to have a greater impact.

There, it may bring winds with speeds of 130 to 150 kilometers per hour. Currently, the cyclone is moving slowly at a speed of 6 kilometers per hour.

Meanwhile, UAE’s Astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi, who is currently on a six-month mission at the International Space Station (ISS), has shared amazing footage of the cyclone forming in the Arabian Sea. From his unique perspective in space, Neyadi offers a different view of the cyclone’s development, which is shown below:

To ensure safety, UAE’s National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) has advised the public to stay informed about the latest updates on the cyclone and take necessary precautions.

Biparjoy Cyclone Less Than 500 KM Away From Karachi

The Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm (ESCS) “Biparjoy” over the northeast Arabian Sea moved further north-northwestward during the last 12 hours, weakened into a Very Severe Cyclonic Storm (VSCS), and now lies near Latitude 20.7°N & Longitude 67.1°E at a distance of about 470km south of Karachi, 460km south of Thatta.

Maximum sustained surface winds are 140-150 kilometers per hour, gusts 170 kilometers per hour around the system center, and sea conditions are phenomenal around the system center with a maximum wave height of 30 feet.

Published by
Salman Ahmed