
Lahore Goes After Two Traffic Wardens Who Stole Petrol Worth Millions

Lahore authorities are currently in pursuit of two traffic wardens who have gone missing after stealing more than Rs. 2 million worth of fuel from the department.

Citing official documents, Urdu News states that Muhammad Tariq and Nadeem Aslam have stolen 88,472 liters of petrol from the government treasury. The two wardens were doing so in a systematic manner for the past several years.

A senior officer of the city traffic police (CTP) said that an inquiry was started against the two traffic wardens when they suddenly disappeared. They have been absent from work for the last month without informing the department.

According to the senior officer, the two wardens had issued petrol to the department’s motorcycles which were not in use. Their vouchers were being generated and fuel was issued to them daily. Apart from this, petrol was being taken in many other ways. Department-issued fuel cards were also used.

The two individuals who have allegedly stolen petrol in the mechanical transport (MT) section have been dismissed from their jobs. A case has also been registered against them.

The department has made it clear that it will not allow any relaxation to such crimes now or in the future.

Published by
Waleed Shah