
Alarming Surge in Diarrhea in Children Seen in Islamabad and Rawalpindi

A growing number of children are coming in at hospitals and clinics with complaints of diarrhea in the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. This poses a notable danger, especially for those under the age of five.

Although the situation has not yet reached epidemic proportions, doctors warn that it could rapidly worsen if parents do not take precautions, especially with the pre-monsoon season looming ahead.

Recent data reveals a concerning trend in the pediatric departments of public hospitals. Since April, there has been a 10 percent surge in the number of children and infants being treated for diarrhea. This illness is often caused by gastrointestinal infections from viruses, bacteria, or parasites, with contaminated water being a frequent source.

Professor Dr. Tariq Saeed Sheikh, President of the Pakistan Paediatrics Association Federal Branch, estimates that 20-30 percent of child patients are seeking treatment for diarrhea, and this figure continues to rise. 

As temperatures and humidity increase, he anticipates a larger influx of cases unless parents take proactive measures. Other than using boiled water for drinking, he advises mothers to employ boiled water when preparing milk and to wash their hands with soap beforehand. 

Additionally, he recommends boiling drinking water for 5-10 minutes prior to consumption. Furthermore, he underscores the necessity of washing children’s hands before and after meals, as well as after using the toilet. 

Diarrhea is often caused by consuming untreated water and unhygienic food. Shockingly, water-borne diseases account for 60 percent of child deaths in Pakistan, with approximately 630 on average succumbing to diarrhea every day.

Dehydration, a severe consequence of diarrhea, can be life-threatening. Professor Tariq recommends administering Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) to patients suffering from severe dehydration. Children and infants exhibiting acute diarrhea accompanied by vomiting should be promptly taken to a healthcare facility.

Published by
Asma Sajid