
School Children in Punjab Will Not Be Allowed to Leave Without a Parent or Guardian

In response to a concerning rise in sexual abuse against children, the Punjab Ministry of Education has taken decisive action. A significant step has been taken, mandating that all schools, both government and private, prevent students from leaving the school premises during school and recreational hours.

School principals have been directed to deploy security guards and watchmen at the main gates during off-hours. They will ensure that children remain within the school grounds until they are picked up by a parent or sibling.

These directives are being swiftly implemented, with district and tehsil education officers tasked to promptly inform school heads about the circular’s contents. They are also required to report on the implementation status by 25 July.

To maintain vigilance, a watchman, naib qasids, and a designated teacher or focal person must be present at the schools, as specified in the circular.

The first schools to adopt these measures will be in Murree, Kotli Sattian, and Kahuta, where schools are currently open. Other schools will follow suit after the summer vacation.

The Ministry of Education emphasizes a zero-tolerance policy for any lapses in the strict enforcement of these measures, particularly in private schools. Yaseen Baloch, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Rawalpindi District Education Authority, has confirmed the enforcement of this order in open educational institutions in hilly tehsils.

This action was prompted by the publication of a report titled ‘Cruel Number’ by an NGO advocating for child protection in Pakistan. The report revealed 4,253 child sexual abuse cases reported across the country in 2022 alone.

Sadly, the report highlights that children aged six to 15 years are at the highest risk, with more male victims than female victims. Even more tragically, there were instances of sexual abuse involving children as young as five years old.

While Punjab witnessed the majority of reported cases, other provinces also recorded instances of child abuse. In light of this alarming situation, it is imperative that the Ministry of Education takes action to protect students throughout the province.

Published by
Asma Sajid