
Punjab Proposes Almost 800% Increase in Driving License Fees

Punjab Police has set forth a bold proposal to implement a substantial increase in driving license fees, aiming to generate additional revenue and enhance road safety measures.

The Inspector General (IG) Punjab has recently forwarded a summary to the provincial government, seeking approval for the proposed fee hike across various categories of licenses.

If the proposal garners the necessary approval, significant changes will be seen across different license categories.

Motorcycle driving license fees, currently standing at Rs. 550, will witness a staggering 263.64% surge, reaching Rs. 2,000.

Similarly, obtaining an LTV license would become notably costlier, with the fee proposed to be raised by 321.05% – from Rs. 950 to Rs. 4,000.

For those aspiring to acquire a HTV license, the fees will soar from Rs. 450 to Rs. 4,000, reflecting an astounding percentage increase of 788.89% for HTV licenses.

In addition to these significant changes, the learner license fee is also in line for a substantial adjustment.

If approved, the fee for obtaining a learner license will rise from the current Rs. 60 to Rs. 500, showcasing an astonishing percentage change of 733.33%.

It’s important to note that the proposed fee hike encompasses not only domestic licenses but also International Driving License.

If the proposal receives the green light, obtaining an International Driving License would require a fee of Rs. 4,000, reflecting a noteworthy percentage increase from the existing amount.

Published by
Waleed Shah