
Pakistan Suffers Huge Blow as Arshad Nadeem Ruled Out of Asian Games Due to Injury

Pakistan received a huge blow during the ongoing Asia Cup 2023 in Hangzhou, China as Arshad Nadeem withdrew from the event due to injury.

The renowned javelin thrower was scheduled to participate in the competition tomorrow, but the hopes of Pakistan winning a medal have now vanished.

The MRI scan has revealed that Arshad Nadeem was carrying a knee injury, which is a significant setback for Pakistan in the ongoing marquee event.

“Arshad Nadeem underwent a thorough MRI at a local hospital in Hangzhou. The MRI revealed a chronic injury which he has been carrying,” sources revealed.

Recently, the 25-year-old clinched a silver medal in the World Athletics Championship in Hungary, securing second place in the competition.

Nadeem, who claimed a gold medal at the 2022 Commonwealth Games (CWG), returned to action after a year-long hiatus due to an extended injury.

After undergoing elbow surgery, Nadeem was rehabilitated at the PSB Coaching Centre and resumed throwing before the World Athletics Championship.

Published by
Imad Ali Jan