
Study Reveals Hundreds of Common Household Items That Can Cause Cancer

Recent research suggests that flame retardants, which have been added to thousands of consumer products in the United States for decades, may increase the risk of dying from cancer. The study found that individuals with the highest levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in their blood had approximately a 300% increased risk of cancer-related mortality compared to those with the lowest levels.

The study, published in the journal JAMA Network Open, analyzed blood levels of PBDEs in 1,100 participants of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted between 2003 and 2004. Researchers correlated PBDE levels with death certificates issued 15 to 17 years later.

While the study found a significant link between PBDE exposure and cancer-related mortality, specific cancer types could not be identified due to limitations in available data.

This research builds on past studies that have associated various flame retardants with cancer risk, advancing scientific understanding in this field, according to Dr. Leonardo Trasande, a professor at NYU Langone Health.

“The new study links PBDEs to deaths from cancer, building a case for the association between flame retardants and cancer mortality being real,” said Trasande, who researches the impact of plastics, flame retardants, and other chemicals on children.

“And because these chemicals have long half-lives and therefore stay in the human body for years, this impact is going to continue because we can’t get them out of the environment overnight,” he said.

A spokesperson for the American Chemistry Council, which contains an alliance of companies that make and distribute flame retardants, sent CNN the following comments in an email. “We have not had the chance to thoroughly review the report on polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), but we consistently advocate for the use of sound scientific research and data.

“The North American Flame Retardant Alliance (NAFRA) and its member companies are dedicated to the responsible production, use, and management of chemistry and chemical products in a manner that protects the public health and our environment, including flame retardant chemistries that are designed to protect lives, homes, valuables, and the environment by preventing or slowing the spread of fires.

Health Risks with PBDEs

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, recognized as endocrine disruptors, disrupt the body’s hormonal balance. Studies have associated these chemical compounds with various health issues including impaired blood sugar metabolism, gestational diabetes, obesity, thyroid disorders, certain cancers, reproductive problems, and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Exposure to PBDEs is widespread, with most individuals in the United States exhibiting higher levels of these endocrine disruptors in their blood compared to individuals in European countries. According to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, tests indicate that PBDE levels in the blood of Americans are typically three to 10 times higher than those found in Europeans.

Past research indicates that flame-retardant chemicals can transfer to developing fetuses through the placenta and to newborns via breast milk.

A recent study from August 2020 highlights that PBDEs are currently the leading cause of intellectual disability in children. This has led to a cumulative loss of 162 million IQ points and over 738,000 cases of intellectual disability.

Ways of Exposure to PBDEs

Manufacturers incorporate flame retardants into various padded products, including furniture like sofas, loveseats, recliners, office chairs, and car upholstery, as well as infant car seats and certain toys. Additionally, flame retardants are used in carpet padding, foam-padded yoga mats, and baby items. Electronics and kitchen appliances may also be treated with these chemicals to minimize fire risk.

While some types were phased out voluntarily in 2004, regulation of DecaBDE, a flame retardant linked to cancer, was only enforced by the US Environmental Protection Agency in January 2021. Decabromodiphenyl ether (DecaBDE) is commonly utilized in textiles, televisions, computers, building materials, and automotive parts imported into the United States.

Newer phosphorus-based flame retardants have been introduced by the industry as replacements for older chemicals, raising concerns among researchers about potential links to cancer.

While many vintage items still contain older chemicals like PBDEs, contamination remains a significant route of exposure. Flame retardants have leached from landfills over decades, polluting air, soil, and water sources.

Exposure to these chemicals occurs through contaminated household dust, consumer products, and food residues, particularly in high-fat foods such as fatty fish. PBDEs accumulate in the fat of animals, resulting in higher concentrations in humans at the top of the food chain.

Due to widespread use in various products over the years, PBDEs are detectable in all individuals in the US. Those working in enclosed spaces where PBDE-containing products are handled may face elevated risks, according to the CDC.

“We wish to emphasize that NAFRA members do not manufacture PBDEs and have actively supported the discontinuation of these substances. PBDEs are subject to global regulations and have considerably decreased in environmental presence,” stated a spokesperson for the American Chemistry Council in an email. Although PBDE levels in fish have decreased by 75% over the past two decades, the rate of decline has slowed down.

In a study from June 2017, scientists discovered elevated PBDE levels in infants almost a decade after their phaseout in 2004, as noted by Tasha Stoiber, a senior scientist at the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit organization dedicated to health and environmental advocacy. Stoiber explained in an email that some infants exhibited higher PBDE levels than their mothers, highlighting how legacy chemical exposures persist even after phaseouts or bans are implemented.

Ways to Protect Your Family from PBDEs

  • According to the EWG, despite efforts to remove these chemicals, some manufacturers continue to incorporate flame retardants into padded items like nursing pillows, changing-table pads, crib mattresses, and nap and exercise mats. Therefore, it is advisable to inspect flammability labels on these products.
  • To prevent the release of chemicals, it’s recommended to cover existing infant car seats, foam mattress pads, and furniture cushions with protective fabric that hasn’t been treated with flame retardants.
  • When refurbishing older couches or chairs, replace the old foam with flame-retardant-free alternatives. The same applies to carpet padding, which often contains chemically treated foam scraps – if handling this task yourself, wear a mask and clean up meticulously, as advised by the EWG.
  • Frequently mop and vacuum, especially in households with children. Consider using a vacuum equipped with a high-efficiency HEPA filter, which can effectively capture dust and chemicals.
Published by
Rija Sohaib