
Two More Cities Are Getting Safe City Security Cameras

The federal government has decided to establish Safe City projects in Dasu and Chilas to enhance security for foreigners, including Chinese nationals.

The decision was made in a meeting led by Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi, who highlighted the necessity of a detailed plan. He formed a special committee to create the plan and asked for the final recommendations to be submitted within 15 days.

The committee includes IG Islamabad, RPO Hazara, and a WAPDA representative.

“The Prime Minister has directed the establishment of Safe City projects in Dasu and Chilas,” Naqvi stated. He added that these projects will be executed in line with modern standards, similar to those in Islamabad and Lahore.

“The Safe City initiative is not just about installing cameras but creating a sophisticated system equipped with cutting-edge technology,” Naqvi further said.

The Interior Minister stated that the project would provide extensive security and surveillance in the region. He added that the Islamabad Police would fully support the initiative.

WAPDA, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police, and the Islamabad Police have been instructed to collaboratively develop the plan.

Published by
Arsalan Khattak