
Over 2 Dozen PIA Planes Have Become Scrap at Karachi Airport

At Karachi Airport, over 30 abandoned aircraft have deteriorated into scrap, becoming shelters for birds, with many parts of these planes reportedly disappearing.

According to a private news channel, a dispute over the General Declaration (GD) has led to dozens of aircraft, including those from Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), being abandoned at Karachi Airport for years.

The abandoned aircraft include 13 non-operational planes from Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), such as Airbus 310s and two Jumbo 747s. As per sources, customs officials have requested GDs for these planes, but PIA has not provided them.

As a result, customs authorities have refused to issue the necessary No Objection Certificates (NOCs).

The delay in issuing No Objection Certificates (NOCs) by customs has caused significant financial losses for PIA. The airline faces millions in losses, as the removal process for these aircraft cannot begin until the necessary NOCs are granted.

A Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) spokesperson confirmed that three aircraft have been successfully removed from Karachi Airport. The CAA is working closely with all relevant parties to resolve the issue.

Moreover, it is also taking steps to prevent birds from entering sensitive airport areas. Efforts are underway to obtain GDs from Shaheen Air and other foreign airlines.


View Comments

  • With many parts of these planes reportedly "disappearing" means being "stolen" i.e., "theft" happening. Such a low level of Governance &/or Administration that Assets is being tarnished for stealing parts. Tch Tch Tch...

  • ارے بھائی لوگو...!!!
    اگر جہاز سکریپ ہی کرنے ہیں تو ایک جہاز مجھے ہی دے دو.... ﷲتم پر رحم کرے گا اور میرا شوق اور کام دونوں پورے ہوجائیں گے.

  • From scrap government you can only expect scrap !! It's the ugliest airport I've ever seen . Crap people running the entire country ! And the good part is it will never change. Total disgrace.

Published by
Arsalan Khattak