Transport Supervisor Fired After Buying Tampered Tyres for PM’s Mercedes

The cabinet division has terminated one official from their job for allegedly procuring tampered tyres for Prime Minister’s Mercedes Benz vehicle.

Sources told ProPakistani that the cabinet division has terminated Transport Supervisor Ghulam Sadiq from Job on the allegations of procuring tampered tyres for the Mercedes Benz Car.

The tyres of the car burst when a relative of the PM was travelling from Islamabad to Lahore a few months ago.

Sources said that the cabinet division conducted an inquiry into the procurement of tyres for the Prime Minister’s vehicle.

It was disclosed that the officials of the cabinet division including Muhammad Khalil in connivance with Ghulam Sadiq did not follow the SOPs for the purchase of bulletproof tyres for the VVIP vehicle Mercedes Benz Car.

Both of these officials also managed to favour blue-eyed vendor M/s Waleed Autos in getting the supply order. Ghulam Sadiq also never visited the Vendor M/s Waleed Autos nor checked whether the vendor could provide VVIP bulletproof tyres or have enough experience dealing with such kinds of tyres.

It is pertinent to note that the government can only use Michelin-manufactured bulletproof tyres for Mercedes-Benz while the cabinet division completely ignored such things.

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  • Sarcasm crossing the peak level here!

    “The cabinet division has terminated one official from their job for allegedly procuring tampered tyres for Prime Minister’s Mercedes Benz vehicle.”

    And for last 77 years, “how many” has been “fired” or “punished” for ruining Pakistan?

    Answer is definitely the biggest 0 of all times!

  • ‘The tyres of the car burst when a relative of the PM was travelling from Islamabad to Lahore a few months ago.’
    So, state owned cars used by family and friends as well. Good utilization of resources.

  • landu news…cabinet isn’t concerned about ruining pakistan but a stupid Mercedes…what a priority.

  • Not neccessary Michelin can only provide bullet proof tires, other major manufacturers too can. Further, bullet proof tires specs for different levels are very clear and stringent and can’t be compromised. If GoP has Michelin, why procurement was not done from authoriser Michelin dealer…???

  • صادق كو پتہ تھا کہ یہ مُلک چلانے والے ڈاکو ہیں جنھوں نے اِس عوام کو بے دردی سے لُوٹا ہے تُو اُس نے بھی اِس بہتی گنگا میں اپنی چیچی اُنگلی تھوڑی سی گیلی کر لی ۔۔۔۔۔۔
    دوسرا جب بات اپنی جان پہ آئی تُو کیسے گانڈ پھٹی
    اور عوام بجلی کے بلوں سے خودکشیاں کر رہے ہیں اُدھر کسی کے کانوں پہ جوں تک نہیں رینگتی

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