Telcos Barely Meet Key Performance Indicators for Quality of Service in Q3 2024

To measure the performance and quality of Cellular Mobile Operators’ (CMOs) services being provided to their customers, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has carried out an Independent Quality of Service (QoS) Survey in eighteen (18) cities across the country.

Zong achieved an overall No. 1 position in almost all attributes examined in the QoS survey while Jazz came in second, Ufone third, and Telenor fourth.

Overall, cellular mobile operators (CMOs) achieved encouraging levels of key performance indicators (KPIs) set in their licenses and the applicable regulations with respect to voice and latency, the PTA survey has revealed. Still, they lagged in a few positions due to deteriorating internet and network problems observed throughout 2024.

During the survey, Quality of Services tests were conducted in the areas of Voice, Mobile Broadband (Throughput, Latency and Web Browsing) and Short Messaging Service (SMS).

The survey drive comprised approximately 2,400 km of traveling per CMO in 63 days to cover the maximum areas of surveyed cities. During the survey, 0.29 million tests of Mobile Broadband and 41,700 Calls & SMS tests were conducted.

During the survey, while conducting data test in technology auto detect mode, 4G/LTE signal strength samples were recorded on survey routes. City-wise compliance of 90 percent Confidence Level of signal strength was observed.

Mobile Network Coverage Ranking





Compliant Non-Compliant
4G 3G 4G 3G
Zong 16 9 2 0 1st
Jazz 14 3 3 0 2nd
Ufone 14 14 4 2 3rd
Telenor 4 11 14 3 4th


Mobile Broadband Service Ranking (Download)

Operator Highest Throughput – Number of Cities Standing
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Zong 9 9 0 0  1st
Jazz 8 6 2 1 2nd
Ufone 0 2 12 4 3rd 
Telenor 0 1 4 12 4th 


Operator Highest Throughput – Number of Cities Standing
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Zong 9 8 1 0  1st
Jazz 9 6 2 1 2nd
Ufone 0 4 14 0 3rd 
Telenor 0 0 1 17 4th 


Voice Call Quality Ranking

Operator Voice QoS KPIs Standing
Compliant Non-Compliant
Zong 83 7 1st
Jazz 80 10 2nd
Ufone 79 11 3rd
Telenor 62 28 4th


SMS Service Quality

Operator SMS QoS KPIs Standing
Compliant Non-Compliant
Zong 29 7 1st
Ufone 28 8 2nd
Jazz 25 11 3rd
Telenor 24 12 4th


Overall Telecom Operator Ranking

1st 2nd 3rd
Mobile Network Coverage Zong Jazz Ufone
Mobile Broadband Zong Jazz Ufone
Voice Zong Jazz Ufone
SMS Zong Ufone Jazz


The survey results are available on PTA’s website.

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