Benefits of Ginger for Optimum Health

Benefits of Ginger That Will Do Wonders to Your Health

Ginger offers a variety of health benefits. It is a root plant, belonging to the same family of turmeric and cardamom. It is Native to South-East Asia and is an essential component of the region’s diet. Although people opt for ginger because of its flavor and aroma, it is also used for its medicinal properties. It not only has a delicious taste but is rich in nutrients as well. Among the various benefits of ginger, it is commonly used for indigestion, to treat nausea, for common cold and flu, and for pain relief.

General Health Benefits of Ginger

Some of the health benefits of Ginger that have been research-proven are:

  • Ginger helps to lose weight in a healthy way.
  • It lowers blood sugar levels and improves heart health.
  • Ginger significantly reduces menstrual pain.
  • The antibacterial properties of ginger help to fight against bacterial infections.
  • It is also helpful in preventing stomach ulcers.
  • Soothing sore muscles is another benefit of using ginger.

1. Relieving Nausea

Ginger is known to reduce the symptoms associated with motion sickness, including dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and cold sweats. This condition is a common complaint to people undergoing chemotherapy or surgery. This claim has been backed up with research where people undergoing chemotherapy took ginger supplements and were reported to have reduced nausea as compared to those who did not.

Ginger helps with the morning sickness in pregnancy. It is widely known to be helpful in treating pregnancy-related nausea. According to a review report, 1-1.5 grams of ginger can considerably reduce pregnancy-related nausea in women. Ginger helps with nausea and vomiting because it increases the food transit in the GI tract and blocks serotonin receptors in the gut lining that suppresses the urge to vomit.

2. Helps with Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the degeneration of the joints leading to joint pain and stiffness. Research proves that people with osteoarthritis have significant reductions in joint pain and stiffness when using ginger.

Ginger consists of a compound known as gingerol that exhibits these anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. So ginger is a naturally occurring anti-inflammatory spice. As a result, ginger helps to relieve pain and swelling caused by arthritis.

According to research, people with Osteoarthritic knee reported significant pain relief and reduction in swelling when using ginger as a supplement.

3. Treats Chronic Indigestion

benefits of ginger

Ginger is a natural remedy for indigestion. Indigestion or dyspepsia is the delayed emptying of the stomach that causes a discomfort feeling. Ginger consists of compounds that increase the transit of food and lead to faster emptying of the stomach. It also promotes the expulsion of excess gas from the digestive tract.

Consuming ginger before a meal speeds up stomach emptying and helps to relieve problems related to indigestion. Ginger also has beneficial effects on digestive enzymes i.e. trypsin, and pancreatic lipase. This prevents and relieves constipation as well. Because of the many benefits of ginger on the digestive tract, it is recommended as a treatment for stomach discomfort.

4. Improves Heart Health

benefits of ginger

Ginger plays a significant role in improving heart health by reducing the LDL cholesterol levels in the blood. Reducing cholesterol levels reduces the plaque buildup in the arteries. This in turn prevents high blood pressure. All these points towards better heart health.

The ginger extract helps in reducing the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases because of its antiplatelet activity. An observational study showed that people consuming ginger supplements had decreased levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, and LDL levels over a period of 45 days. However, confirming the impact of ginger on cholesterol levels requires more definitive research.

5. Prevents against Cancer

benefits of ginger

Our bodies naturally have free radicals that are by-products of numerous chemical reactions taking place in the body. These free radicals cause oxidative stress that can lead to cellular damage, resulting in a number of diseases including cancer. Dietary anti-oxidants scavenge these free radicals from our bodies. Thus, Ginger being an excellent source of antioxidants, helps prevent different types of cancers. It prevents colorectal cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer as well. Gingerol, the active compound of ginger has cancer-fighting abilities. These properties make ginger a powerful weapon in fighting against cancer.

Ginger in Diet

It is easy to incorporate ginger into the diet. People generally use fresh or dried ginger in cooking. Some even take ginger supplements for numerous health benefits it provides. According to the “MyPlate” guidelines, ginger is a part of a healthy diet. However, consult a health care provider before using a ginger supplement or adding ginger to the diet if an individual suffers from health complications.

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