Diabetes and high blood glucose levels can be controlled with diet

Diet for People with Diabetes

Diabetes is a medical condition in which the body is either unable to produce the required amount of insulin or is incapable to use the produced insulin to maintain blood sugar levels. This results in high blood glucose levels as sugar is not being properly processed or stored in your body. Dealing with diabetes or watching a loved one struggling through this disease can be challenging and becomes very frustrating after a certain point. However, it is important to realize that while there are no permanent medications for diabetes and high blood glucose, there are several other ways that can help to maintain the blood sugar at a normal level.

diet for diabetes to control blood glucose

Safe food for diabetic patients

All you need to make sure is that you are consuming a nutritionally balanced diet that is keeping your blood glucose levels in check. By making calculated food choices you can easily pick out foods that are best for you but first, make sure to consult your doctor and dietician. It is also important that you maintain a healthy body weight according to your age and height, this will help you to maintain the blood glucose level near the normal level. There are some meal options that you can choose from every day which will help you to consume the right amount of calories.

foods safe for diabetes to control blood glucose levels


The best breakfast options for diabetic patients are eggs and oatmeal. Some other options that you can choose from are avocado toast, turkey breakfast sausage patties, green salads, or your favorite fruit smoothies. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day; you must consume the foods that will fuel you for the whole day.

breakfast for diabetes


For lunch, you are completely safe to choose among chicken, black beans, roasted vegetables, and fruits or soups of your own choice.

lunch for diabetics


Dinner options can include chicken, beef, noodles, salads, fish, or soups. All of these are safe to consume if you have diabetes as they will prevent high blood glucose levels.  For dinner time, you must make sure that you are eating 2 or 3 hours before your bedtime so that your body gets the required time for digestion. Following this tip will not only maintain the blood glucose level but will also reduce acid reflux problems.

dinner for diabetes patints

Basically, diabetic patients can consume anything and everything that a normal person can have. There is just the need to maintain a calorie count and calculate the amount of sugar that you are consuming. You can choose from a wider variety of food if you have an active lifestyle or exercise every day. Exercising daily will not only help you with your diabetes but will also save you from several other diseases.

Myths about diabetes diet – how to prevent high blood glucose levels

There are several myths regarding the dos and don’ts that you should take care of when you are diabetic. These myths have been believed to be true for ages and have robbed many diabetic patients of the best years of their lives because of the constant stress that they tend to face.

diabetes myths control blood glucose level

1. Eating sugar leads to diabetes and high blood glucose

Whether you have just been diagnosed or are dealing with diabetes for a long time now, it is important to understand that eating sugar did not lead to diabetes. You are not to be held guilty for this hormonal imbalance that occurred inside your body.

eating sugar leading to high blood glucose level

2. You need to follow hard and fast rules in a diabetes diet

This is a completely untrue statement. There is no need to make things complicated for yourselves. All you need to do is eat foods that work along with the daily physical activities that you are indulged in. Diabetes and high blood glucose are easier to deal with if you eat right. A little adjustment can take you a long way. You can easily maintain normal blood sugar levels if you consume the right foods and do light physical exercise daily.

eating rules in diabetes to control blood glucose level

3. Carbohydrates are a no-no for diabetes and high blood glucose

It is undeniable that carbohydrates do affect blood glucose levels, however, carbohydrates are a keystone of a healthy diet whether you are diabetic or not. Sugary or starchy carbohydrates are not a great choice if you have diabetes but there are some carbohydrate sources that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibers. All you have to do is count your carbs. Make sure to choose healthier options like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

carbohydrates in diabetes and blood glucose levels

4. You need to give up your favorite foods

If you have diabetes, it is important to be vigilant about what you are eating. You can make certain changes in the cooking process of your favorite foods to make them diabetes-friendly. For instance, you can have a baked sweet potato instead of regular deep-fried potato fries. Also, you can reduce the portions of your favorite desserts rather than completely quitting them.

giving up food in diabetes

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